Elizaveta Polushkina

Head of the Extracurricular Activities Teaching Department

Success stories

The Master's degree program "Global Education" has changed my life greatly. Now I work as the head of the extracurricular activities teaching department at a new school. International activity is very important for our school because children learn several languages. Therefore the school administration and parents are very interested in providing children with opportunities to visit foreign countries in order to practice their language skills. We evaluate educational programs offered by our foreign colleagues to see whether they suit our students or not. We prepare children and their parents for a long and interesting trip abroad, try to make adaptation period as easy as possible, make everything to avoid unexpected situations, so that children do not suffer from culture shock. More and more people are interested in such programs and we are trying to do our best so that in future our students can visit as many foreign countries as possible. During our studies we’ve cooperated a lot with foreign colleagues. So, now I have the necessary knowledge and experience that help me in my work.