Antonina Sitnova

Head of a private language center

Success stories

The ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius once said: "Find a job you like, and you will not have to work a single day in your life." I have always dreamt about opening my own educational center, but, unfortunately, that was just a desire. I had neither necessary skills nor knowledge. My first degree was in economics, and I worked at a bank. But I always wanted to work in educational sphere and start business of my own. I’ve found the program " Global Education" at Minin university by chance, and I think that this is exactly what I need. And now I am the owner of the educational center. The major " Global Education" provided me with all the necessary knowledge and skills. Aside from studying various international programs, we got a chance to develop our professional and language competencies while communicating with English language native speakers, experienced professors. All lectures and workshops were extremely interesting and useful. Our teachers motivated us to attend classes and always do our homework. The whole program was very rich and useful. Studying was a true pleasure. According to some ratings, Russia is only 42 out of 88 in terms of knowing English language. Unfortunately, it is true. I believe that through developing my business, I help to develop Nizhny Novgorod region and to improve the foreign language proficiency of our residents. I believe that activities that motivate for foreign languages learning ​​should be carried out on a regular basis and not from time to time. That’s why we develop international programs with Finland and other countries, adopt experience from England. The major " Global Education" helps to obtain many new and interesting skills and competencies in the spheres of management, international projects’ organization, and it helps to improve your level of foreign languages. Welcome to Minin university!