Olga Kim

Head of of the “Lingua Academy” Private Language Center

Expert feedback

Minin university realizes a flagship educational program “Global Education”. This major is taught in English and trains unique specialists who are ready, capable, and most importantly want to work in the world of universal globalization, in conditions when educational landscape is one for all, when we understand tasks that we work with and don’t divide them into “ours” and “foreign”. We understand how to interact with each other and, therefore, act in common interests. At the same time we’re trying to benefit development of our own nation, our own country. So it seems to me that graduates of this major have all the necessary competencies and they are ready to implement joint international projects, to move on together. I believe that graduates of this program will be highly demanded on the labor market not only in Russia but all over the world. We have the common goal and mission that is called “education” for both children and adults. We understand that we must work and develop together, understand some cultural peculiarities of other countries’ representatives. We have knowledge about educational systems of other countries and it helps to form unique competencies of specialists who will work in a global educational space.